5 Valuable Facts About Business Majors

Business is a wide-ranging college degree plan that prepares students for management, labor relations, accounting, financial management, and more. People typically get this degree expecting to start their own business, become a business manager, or a labor specialist, but part of the popularity of this degree is due to its flexibility. These facts show us why getting a Business degree pays.

5 Business Major Facts

1. A business degree might be the path to a six-figure salary. (Source)

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2020 that general business managers earned a median of $103,650. These salary prospects are what draw so many people to this kind of career.

2. There are always job openings for people with Business degrees. (Source)

No matter how the market changes, there’s always at least one industry on the rise, which means there’s a need for expert business managers and labor specialists. For example, in 2018 there were 169,000 job postings for business professionals in the finance and insurance industries.

3. Business majors choose a concentration in a sub-field. (Source)

Business majors can define their own path out of many directions. They usually choose a sub field to specialize in while pursuing a degree. The usual options are management, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

4. Business is the most popular college major. (Source)

Out of the 25 most popular college majors, Business was the most popular every year from 2016 to 2023. It was only rivaled by Nursing, and still had a healthy lead each year.

5. Half of business owners have a degree. (Source)

According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 51.4% of business majors have a college degree, making it clear that higher education benefits entrepreneurs.

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