5 Interesting Facts About CBD Oil


CBD oil, a.k.a. cannabidiol, has seen a huge jump in the natural wellness scene over the last few years. CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis and it does not cause the user to feel a high psychoactive sensation like they would with THC. One of the CBD oil facts you may not know is that the human body naturally produces cannabinoids that play a part in appetite, mood, stress, sleep and pain. It is thought that CBD can help enhance these natural cannabinoids within our own bodies by binding to them. The wellness market has gone wild for the purported health benefits of CBD oil and because it does not produce intoxicating side effects, it can be purchased without a prescription. All CBD oil is not created the same however, there is a need for educational resources and guidelines for new and current consumers. Here are some educational facts about CBD oil that can help guide you in your journey with CBD.

5 CBD Oil Facts

1. The CBD boom started after Congress removed CBD from the controlled substances list and legalized hemp in all 50 states in 2008. The main goal with the passing of the bill was to open up the hemp market so they could produce products and textiles, like paper and concrete.

2. In June 2018 the FDA approved the prescription use of a purified form of CBD oil named Epidiolex. It is a natural drug that treats two separate kinds of of epilepsy.

3. CBD is generally safe and therapeutic for dogs. Some vets recommend CBD for its anti-inflammatory properties, anti-nausea effects, appetite stimulation, cardiac benefits, anti-anxiety effect and some even believe CBD has anti-cancer benefits for dogs, although there’s no conclusive data on this use.

4. One recent 2021 study found that CBD might help to slow the onset and further progress of the debilitating disease of Alzheimer’s. CBD oil is thought to have many positive effects on the human body. 

5. Even Queen Victoria found CBD in cannabis was a helpful anti-inflammatory and pain reliever for menstrual cramps as far back as the 19th century.

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