5 Luxurious Facts About Yachts

Yachts are impressive feats of engineering that symbolize wealth, relaxation, power, and beauty. The facts below highlight just how impressive these sea faring vessels can be.

5 Yacht Facts

1. The world’s largest yacht is still under construction. (Source)

The world’s largest “super yacht” is the Somino, due to launch in 2024. It will be 728 feet long and combine features of yachts and cruise ships to create a “yacht liner” housing 30 incredible residences. A room on this one-of-a-kind vessel can be accessed by invitation only.

2. The world’s most successful yacht manufacturer makes over $100 per second. (Source)

The Italian mega manufacturer earns an astounding $266.99 per second, which is 8.42 billion in revenue per year.

3. The oldest yacht club in the world was founded in 1720. (Source)

Before changing to the name “Royal Cork”, the “Water Club of the Harbour of Cork” was established as the first yacht club in 1720. The club was founded by the Earl of Inchiquin, a courtier of King Charles II. King Charles and the Earl shared a passion for sailing on the river for pleasure.

4. The fastest super yacht is M/Y Foners. (Source)

The Foner can reach speeds of 70.10 knots. She held the speed record ever since she set sail in 2000. Foner is capable of such speeds because she contains two MAN engines and three Rolls Royce engines that power three KaMeWa water jets.

5. There are several varieties of yacht. (Source)

Yachts may come in more forms than you recognize. There are sailing yachts, motor yachts, catamarans, and mega yachts.


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