5 Crucial Facts About Homelessness

A tent-lined street littered with garbage where homeless live

Homelessness is a rising concern in the United States. In 2024, rates rose to one of their highest in history, comparable only to the Great Depression area. As advocates search for solutions, important facts illuminate the reality of the problem and give insight into how we could approach solving the crisis.

5 Homelessness Facts

1. There are 21.56 vacant housing units per homeless person. (Source)

With 14 million vacant homes across America in 2023, it’s clear that we have the resources to provide housing for everyone without a roof over their head.

2. Record numbers of people are experiencing homelessness for the first time. (Source)

Between 2019 and 2023, the number of people who stayed at an emergency shelter for the first time increased by more than 23 percent, an apparent crisis.

3. 128,849 are sleeping in New York City shelters every night. (Source)

In November of 2024, this included 44,541 children. Unfortunately, the number of people in New York City without homes is far greater than those in shelters. More housing is desperately needed in this city.

4. Many people who are homeless have jobs. (Source)

It’s estimated that somewhere between 40 to 60% of people experiencing homelessness are employed. A paycheck is not enough to support reliable housing in many areas.

5. Black Americans and Native Americans are more vulnerable to homelessness. (Source)

Discrimination plays a clear role in homelessness. People with disabilities are also particularly susceptible to homelessness.


Photo by Milan Cobanov.

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