4 Rad Facts About the Worldwide Web

The Internet changed human communications by giving us enormous access to knowledge and resources by connecting humans all over the world. It’s probably the most significant invention of the modern era, at least in terms of changing our society. Find out what’s happened since we entered the Internet Age with these 4 facts.

4 Worldwide Web Facts

1. The Internet as we know it was invented in 1983. (Source)

In 1983, a universal computer language connected PCs around the world. The Defense Data Network shifted to this standard called “Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol,” and the Internet was born.

2. The Internet only weighs 2 ounces. (Source)

The physicist Russel Seitz tells us that if we could do something as abstract as weighing the Internet, it would weigh 2 ounces. He performed this calculation by measuring the weight of the billions of electrons that comprise Internet data.

3. The original Space Jam website is still live. (Source)

The Internet may have been invented in the 1980s, but it became more of a household fixture and part of popular culture in the 1990s. Is there anything more 90s than the Looney Tunes/NBA mashup, Space Jam? It’s an icon, so it’s only fitting that you can still visit the site today.

4. The first spam e-mail was sent in 1978. (Source)

Unfortunately, spam is even older than our modern Internet. The first spam e-mail was sent in 1978 via ARPANET (the Internet pre-cursor) by a computer salesman named Gary Thuerk.

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