5 Fun Facts About Parenting Around the World


One thing that unites people across the world is an innate, profound love for our children. Let’s travel across the globe and discover fun parenting facts – you may discover a new method that resonates with you or a fascinating tidbit to share with friends:

5 Parenting Facts

    1. Babies in Nordic countries nap outside in all weather, even cold temperatures. (source) It is believed that the fresh air provides many benefits such as better sleep and improved immunity.
    1. The United States is the only wealthy nation with no national paid parental leave. (source) Estonia provides 84.4 weeks, Bulgaria provides 69.7 weeks, Hungary provides 68.2 weeks, and the United States provides zero except to federal workers. Only 23% of American workers have access to paid leave through their employers.
    1. In most OECD countries, the average age for a woman to give birth is 30 or above. (source) For the United States, it is between 28 and 30. For Japan, Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain, and Switzerland, it is 32.
    1. The top baby names over the last 100 years in the United States have been James and Mary. (source) For the past decade, it has been Noah and Emma.
    1. In Japan, children often use public transportation on their own starting very young. (source) This is believed to build independence and decision-making skills.
    1. In Finland, children enjoy plenty of play breaks during school. (source) Typically, they enjoy 15 minutes of play for every 45 minutes of school. Their education system is considered among the best in the world.

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