5 Facts About Kalamazoo, Michigan

Kalamazoo is a city in southwest Michigan, west of Detroit and east of Detroit. The city has three universities, lakes, parks, and a nationally recognized healthcare system, along with an interesting history. Learn more about Kalamazoo, the good and the bad, with these five facts.

5 Kalamazoo, MI Facts

1. Kalamazoo means “where the water boils.” (Source)

This is based on a legend from the native Potowatomi people. The legend says that a man called “Fleet Foot” had to run from his village to the river and back before a pot of water boiled in order to marry his chosen bride.

2. Kalamazoo built the first outdoor pedestrian mall. (Source)

Kalamazoo’s “Mall City” was accessed by pedestrians only. No vehicles were allowed in a stretch of shops spanning Burdick Street. The mall opening drew 50,000 visitors and served as a model for future strip malls.

3. Kalamazoo had the most drug lab raids in the country. (Source)

This isn’t a badge of pride, but unfortunately Kalamazoo had the most raids on illegal drug labs in the entire U.S.

4. Breweries are king in Kalamazoo. (Source)

Kalamazoo (and Michigan as a whole) is known for craft breweries, and Kalamazoo is hub for pubs, bars, beer festivals, and breweries. Bell’s Brewery is one of the most famous.

5. Kalamazoo is the home of Gibson guitars. (Source)

A favorite of rock stars around the world, the Gibson guitar got its start in Kalamazoo in 1902. The city’s music scene is vibrant as a result.

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