4 Magical Facts About Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World is one of the most famous amusement parks in the world. Located in Florida, this theme park is based on beloved characters from the imagination of the Walt Disney film studio. Here, children meet characters like Mickey Mouse and Cinderella while enjoying rides for all ages and even learning things about science and history. Explore the magic of Walt Disney World with these fun facts.

4 Walt Disney World Facts

1. It would take 80 years to stay in every hotel room on the property. (Source)

There are die-hard Disney World, fans but no one is likely stay in every hotel room the park offers. That’s because there are over 36,000 rooms, so even if you stayed in each for only a night, it would still take 81 years to experience them all.

2. Disney World actors have top-secret identities. (Source)

A major part of the magic of Disney World is that young children believe they’ve met beloved characters from Disney movies. That means the actors who play them can’t reveal who they play when they’re out of costume. Just like a spy, the actors commit to the magic and never reveal their alter-ego!

3. There are hidden lightning rods everywhere. (Source)

With a tropical climate, Florida has lots of stormy weather. Around 50 lightning strikes occur in the park every year which is why lightning rods are everywhere to keep guests safe, including on Mickey’s right ear at the Crossroads of the World landmark.

4. Walt Disney World helps make Florida a top vacation destination. (Source)

Family’s love for Walt Disney World brings millions of visitors to Florida each year, making it the number one family vacation state in the U.S.

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