4 Glittering Facts About Gold

Gold is not only beautiful and rare, its useful and has many fascinating properties as a metal. This metal is prized in jewelry, used as currency, and has inspired migrations, wars, and other major historical events.

4 Glittering Gold Facts

1. Gold is the most malleable element. (Source)

Because gold is malleable, that mean’s it can be bent, hammered, and twisted. It can even be flattened into very thin sheets called gold leaf. Flattening and bending gold doesn’t make it lose its luster which is why it’s been so prized as a decorative metal.

2. China has produced more gold than any other country. (Source)

China accounts for 11.8% of the world’s gold, at least since the year 2000. Other countries that produce a lot of gold include, Australia, the United States, Russia, and South Africa.

3. Gold has high electrical conductivity. (Source)

Because gold is a great conductor of heat and electricity, it has some manufacturing uses. It’s mostly commonly found in electronics like computers, GPS, and cellphones. This is just part of what makes gold so very valuable.

4. The California gold rush was started on accident. (Source)

California’s gold was discovered by James W. Marshall who was working on the construction of a sawmill. During this project, he found gold on accident. No one believed the discovery at first until it was confirmed by President James Polk. From there, the California Gold Rush began as people flocked to California hoping to make their fortunes.

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